Cão [‘kɐu]
La démoustication, je suis pour !Bleck
Etonnant le zigue !!!! 😉
Un paisaje precioso ese de las marismas pero, imagino que el problema de los mosquitos representa un tema a tratar seriamente
Tu as raison et mieux vaut prévenir …
Great place! There must be a lot of different birds there.
Right, many birds all seasons, ducks, waders, rails, storks, raptors and mammals but very, very much mosquitos …
This is a wonderful place for a walk. There are birds there but unfortunately, as you mentioned, mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes and comfort mosquito control were the theme of this walk, accompanied by ...
La démoustication, je suis pour !
Etonnant le zigue !!!! 😉
SupprimerUn paisaje precioso ese de las marismas pero, imagino que el problema de los mosquitos representa un tema a tratar seriamente
RépondreSupprimerTu as raison et mieux vaut prévenir …
SupprimerGreat place! There must be a lot of different birds there.
RépondreSupprimerRight, many birds all seasons, ducks, waders, rails, storks, raptors and mammals but very, very much mosquitos …
SupprimerThis is a wonderful place for a walk. There are birds there but unfortunately, as you mentioned, mosquitoes.
RépondreSupprimerMosquitoes and comfort mosquito control were the theme of this walk, accompanied by ...